Compare XWiki Cloud to XWiki On Premise

Wondering whether you should choose XWiki Cloud or XWiki On Premise? Check out the main differences between our two offerings.
Cloud On premise (with support)
Hosting XWiki and its extensions are hosted by XWiki SAS on dedicated machines The XWiki installation is located on your server (self-hosted)
Installation Performed by the XWiki team Performed by you; installation support starting with the Gold level
Upgrades Performed by the XWiki team Performed by you with the XWiki team available to answer your technical questions at the platinum level
Maintenance Bug fixes, monitoring, automatic crash recoveries Performed by you
Security Dedicated secure machine running the instance; security updates and patches You are responsible for security and compliance
Backups Performed by the XWiki team Performed by you; assistance to devise a backup strategy
Database access Indirect Direct
Filesystem access Indirect Direct
Operating System access Indirect Direct
Superadmin user access Indirect Direct
Customizations Standard pages and installed apps pages should not be overridden, so they don’t affect the upgrade No limitations
Payment Monthly, yearly, 3 year engagement Yearly, 3 year engagement