Get Started with XWiki Cloud

To get started with XWiki Cloud you can easily create a wiki and enjoy 10 days of free trial. The trial can be renewed for two more times for a total of 30 days of testing.

Step 1: Create a demo

You can create an XWiki Cloud demo by going to
  • fill in the demo name and select "XWiki Cloud", then click the "Proceed" button. The demo name will be part of the instance URL.
  • fill in the form and click "Create".
Your instance will be created and readily available.
You will receive an email to validate your instance. You have 3 hours to click on the link to validate the instance. After validation you will receive the credentials to your wiki by email. If you missed the 3 hour mark please contact us and we'll validate the instance for you.
As the creator of the wiki, you are automatically a wiki admin.

Step 2: Find out more about using XWiki features

If you'd like to learn more about XWiki's features, make sure you visit the Getting Started Guide.

Step 3: Extend your XWiki with apps

Once you have created your demo and tested the existing features, you can easily extend your wiki with the apps listed in the XWiki Store.
In your wiki, go to the Applications Panel on the left and click on More Applications... and then Install new applications.... Alternatively navigate directly to the Global Administration and select the Extensions section.
Search for the extension you wish to install and install it. Navigate to the Licenses section in the Administration, fill in your details and click the buttons to get the trial license.
If you have questions about the apps visit the store FAQ or contact us.

Step 4: Register to XWiki Cloud

Once you’re ready to make the switch from demo to production you can make your first purchase or create a subscription.
To purchase XWiki Cloud you can click the Buy button located at the top of the wiki. You will be directed to the shop, from which you can select the plan and the number of users. After clicking Buy you will be able to make the purchase.
After the purchase, you will receive a confirmation for your order (and the receipt) by email.
You'll find all of the info about how to switch from a demo to a paid instance in our FAQ Cloud page.
To find our the prices for your user tier and compare the cloud plans please visit our pricing page.
Have more questions? Contact us and we'll be back shortly with an answer.